A New Era
Since 1986, Brother Thomas Favier took office of St. Joseph's College. Improvements were made all through the years. The school joined the School Management Initiative in 1991 and has since then developed a new management framework to mobilize the skills and commitment of school managers, teachers, parents and alumni towards the goal of improving the quality if education.
The Parent-Teacher Association was also founded in 1995 to foster a closer link between parents and school, together providing the essences to a better learning atmosphere.
In 1995, the College celebrated the 120th
Anniversary. The Chief Secretary, Mrs. Anson Chan was the guest-of-honour
The heyday of sports achievement was marked with excellent inter-school performances.
The swimming team had a three consecutive capture of the Overall Champion from
1991 and being the top championship contender all through these years in the
Inter-School Swimming Competition.
The soccer team was the omnipotent Overall Champions in the Inter-School Football
Competition for the decade 1990-2000. The basketball team also triumphed in
inter-school competitions and became Grade A Champion for two consecutive years
in 1998-2000.
It is not at all uncommon for Brother Thomas to take the soccer team for practise
after school or to cheer up swimmers and basketball players in various competitions.
The College had excellent performances in academics. Champions in Schools Speech
Festival rocketed from eleven champions to 32 champions and 6 overall Champions
in the 51st Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival in 1999. Distinctive results from
the Hong Kong Certificate Examination (HKCEE) also showed the robust academic
side of St. Joseph's.
In 2000, the College celebrated its 125th
Anniversary in the Millennium Year. A series of celebrations, starting from
the Millennium Assembly to the 125th Anniversary Millennium Grand Open Day,
all marked this important occasion since St. Joseph's establishment. The Anniversary
Thanksgiving Mass was officiated by His Eminence Cardinal John B. Wu, Bishop
of Hong Kong at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 21st January 2000.
The Chief Executive, Mr. Tung Chee-hwa officiated the 125th Anniversary Millennium
Grand Open Day on 29th January.